#ShortStory – A Breathe Of Fresh Air

Last update on: January 29, 2024

#ShortStory – A Breathe Of Fresh Air

January 29 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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3 min read

Lace curtains danced in the sultry summer morning breeze, an illusion of comfort. An orchestra of cicadas were already announcing the volcanic heat the day would bring, as beads of sweat rolled down my spine.

The sun climbed higher, casting a harsh glow on the small town. I sat at the worn-out kitchen table, nursing a lukewarm coffee, contemplating the monotony of the day ahead. The doorbell interrupted my thoughts, and I opened the creaky door to find my neighbor, Mrs. Thompson.

“Morning, dear. Hope I’m not disturbing you,” she greeted, her warm smile a stark contrast to the unforgiving sunlight.

“Not at all, Mrs. Thompson. What brings you by?” I replied, grateful for the interruption.

She fanned herself with a folded newspaper. “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to join us for the church picnic this weekend. It’s a good way to beat this relentless heat.”

The invitation stirred a flicker of excitement in me. “That sounds lovely, Mrs. Thompson. I could use a break from the routine.”

As she left, I found myself yearning for a change of scenery. The daily grind felt like an unending loop, and the prospect of a church picnic offered a glimmer of respite. The lace curtains fluttered in agreement, as if urging me to embrace the chance for a breath of fresh air.

The week trudged on, marked by the unrelenting heat that seemed to intensify with each passing day. On the eve of the picnic, I found myself caught in the rhythm of preparations. I reached out to Mrs. Thompson, “Is there anything I can contribute to the picnic, like a dish or something?”

Her response was swift, “Oh, dear, that would be lovely. How about you bring a fresh fruit salad? It’s always a hit.”

The morning of the picnic arrived, and I stepped into the vibrant chaos of the church grounds. Laughter echoed as families gathered, seeking refuge under the shade of ancient oak trees. The aroma of homemade dishes mingled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

Mrs. Thompson welcomed me with open arms, introducing me to the congregation. “Everyone, this is our new friend from down the street. She’s brought a delicious fruit salad!”

Amidst the chatter and laughter, I found myself engaged in conversations that transcended the mundane. The simple act of sharing a meal under the dappled sunlight fostered a sense of community. As the day unfolded, I discovered stories of triumph, heartbreak, and the shared human experience that connected us all.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the gathering, I approached Mrs. Thompson. “Thank you for inviting me. Today was exactly what I needed.”

She patted my hand affectionately. “Sometimes, a break from the routine opens up new doors, dear. Life’s a series of picnics; we just need to know when to join in.”

Her words lingered in my mind as I walked back home, the lace curtains now bathed in the warm evening glow. The sultry breeze carried a newfound sense of fulfillment, a reminder that life’s beauty often lies in the simple moments shared with others.

The cicadas orchestrated their final serenade, and I entered my home with a lighter heart. The routine still awaited, but the church picnic had woven a thread of connection through the fabric of my everyday existence. As the lace curtains swayed in the cooling breeze, I realized that sometimes, a small deviation from the norm could lead to a symphony of unexpected joy.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Send me an email at editor@samarpita.in  for editing, content, coaching, or social media planning.

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