A Ready-Reckoner To Write Authentic and Relatable Personalities

Last update on: February 5, 2024

A Ready-Reckoner To Write Authentic and Relatable Personalities

February 5 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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4 min read

In the tapestry of storytelling, characters are the vibrant threads that weave the narrative together. Well-rounded and relatable characters form the heartbeat of any compelling story. Let’s see some practical methods that  infuse depth and authenticity into your characters, ensuring they resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

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Understanding the Importance:

Before delving into the methods, let’s underscore the importance of well-rounded characters. They are the conduits through which readers immerse themselves in your world. Characters with depth not only drive the plot forward but also evoke emotions, fostering a profound connection with the audience.

Draw Inspiration from Real Life:

The richest characters often have roots in reality. Draw inspiration from people you’ve encountered or observed. Observe their quirks, motivations, and the nuances that make them unique. Real-life provides a wellspring of inspiration for crafting characters with authentic traits.

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Explore Character Backstories:

A character’s past shapes their present. Delve into the backstory of your characters to understand their experiences, traumas, and pivotal moments that have molded them. This exploration adds layers, giving depth to their actions and reactions throughout the narrative.

Create Flaws and Imperfections:

Perfection is not relatable. Infuse your characters with flaws and imperfections. These idiosyncrasies make them human, relatable, and endearing. Readers connect with characters who grapple with challenges, making their journey one of growth and self-discovery.

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Establish Clear Goals and Motivations:

What drives your characters? Establish clear goals and motivations for each character. Whether it’s a quest for love, a desire for success, or a pursuit of justice, defined motivations guide their actions and provide readers with insight into their inner worlds.

Craft Dynamic Relationships:

Characters do not exist in isolation. Develop dynamic relationships between characters that mirror the complexities of human connections. Whether it’s friendships, family bonds, or romantic entanglements, these relationships contribute to the richness of your characters’ lives.

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Give Characters Agency:

Empower your characters with agency. Allow them to make decisions, face consequences, and evolve. Characters who actively shape their destinies resonate with readers, fostering a sense of investment in their journey.

Utilize Dialogue to Reveal Character:

Dialogue is a powerful tool for character development. Use it to reveal personality traits, quirks, and the character’s unique voice. Authentic dialogue not only advances the plot but also provides a window into the character’s mindset.

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Showcase Internal Conflicts:

Internal conflicts add layers to characters. Explore their inner struggles, doubts, and conflicting emotions. This internal turmoil humanizes characters, making their journey a relatable exploration of the complexities of the human psyche.

Allow for Character Growth:

Characters should evolve throughout the narrative. Allow them to learn, adapt, and grow. This growth arc resonates with readers, creating a satisfying and fulfilling character transformation by the story’s conclusion.

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Solicit Beta Reader Feedback:

Before finalizing your characters, seek feedback from beta readers. External perspectives can reveal insights you might have missed. Honest feedback aids in refining character nuances and ensuring their relatability to a diverse audience.


Crafting well-rounded and relatable characters is an art that demands a nuanced approach. As you breathe life into your characters, remember that they are more than words on a page; they are conduits to emotions, empathy, and lasting connections with readers. Implementing these methods ensures that your characters transcend the fictional realm, becoming companions on a journey that resonates with authenticity and depth.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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