#ShortStory – A Father’s Legacy

February 2 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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I stared at the email on my screen, my heart racing with disbelief. It was addressed to me, but it was from my father, who had gone missing ten years ago.
The email contained a strange-looking envelope that had been addressed to me, and it included a message from my father, asking me to come to his cabin in the woods.
I hesitated for a moment, wondering if this was some kind of sick joke or if someone was trying to mess with me. But as I read the message again, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was real.
Also Read: Upgrade Your Writing: 10 Verbs Starting with B & 
Their Better Alternatives
I quickly packed a bag and made my way to the cabin, my mind racing with questions. What had happened to my father? Why had he been gone for so long? And why had he reached out to me now?
As I arrived at the cabin, I was greeted by the sight of an old, wooden structure that looked like it had seen better days. It was nestled deep in the woods, surrounded by towering trees and dense undergrowth.
I took a deep breath and stepped inside, my heart pounding in my chest. The cabin was dark and musty, with a thick layer of dust covering everything. I made my way to the back room, where my father had always kept his things.
As I looked around the room, my eyes fell on a small, locked box that was sitting on a shelf. I picked it up and examined it closely, trying to figure out how to open it.
Also Read: Upgrade Your Writing: 10 Verbs Starting with A & 
Their Better Alternatives
Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound, and I turned around to see a figure standing in the doorway. It was my father, looking older and more worn than I remembered.
“Hello, son,” he said, his voice raspy and weak. “I’m sorry I had to contact you like this, but I needed to see you. There’s something I need to tell you.”
I was speechless, unable to comprehend what was happening. My father had been missing for ten years, and now he was standing in front of me, looking like he had been through hell.
He gestured for me to sit down, and I obliged, my mind reeling with questions. “What happened to you, Dad? Where have you been all these years?”
My father took a deep breath and began to tell me his story. He had been working on a secret project for the government, something that involved a dangerous new technology that could change the course of history.
But things had gone wrong, and my father had found himself in the crosshairs of some powerful people who wanted to silence him. He had gone into hiding, moving from place to place, always looking over his shoulder.
Also Read: The Benefits of Working with an Editor on Your Manuscript
He had finally found refuge in the cabin, where he had been living alone for the past ten years, always watching and waiting for the day when he could finally tell someone the truth.
As my father finished his story, I sat there in shock, trying to process everything he had just told me. It was a lot to take in, but somehow, I knew that it was all true.
We talked for hours, catching up on the years that had been lost between us. I learned about my father’s struggles and his fears, and I began to see him in a new light.
As the night wore on, my father grew weaker, his breaths coming in short gasps. I knew that he didn’t have much time left, and I wanted to make the most of the precious moments we had together.
“Dad, I have something to show you,” I said, pulling out the locked box from earlier. “I think it might be important.”
I fiddled with the lock for a few moments, and then it finally clicked open. Inside, there was a small piece of paper, with a message scrawled in my father’s handwriting.
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I read the message aloud, my voice trembling with emotion. “My dear son, if you are reading this, then I am gone. But I want you to know that I love you and that I am proud of the man you have become.”
Tears streamed down my face as I continued to read. “Inside this box, you will find the key to my greatest invention. Use it wisely, my son, for it has the power to change the world. But be careful, for there are those who will stop at nothing to get their hands on it.”
My father’s words sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t believe that he had left me with something so important, something that could have such a profound impact on the world.
I looked up at my father, but he had closed his eyes, his breathing shallow and labored. I knew that he was gone, and a deep sense of loss washed over me.
But as I looked down at the box in my hands, I felt a flicker of hope. My father had left me with a legacy, something that would live on long after he was gone.
I left the cabin that night, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement. I knew that I had a great responsibility on my shoulders, but I was determined to honor my father’s legacy and use his invention for good.
As I walked through the woods, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I knew who I was and what I was meant to do.
I looked up at the stars above, feeling a connection to my father that transcended time and space. And in that moment, I knew that his spirit would always be with me, guiding me and watching over me as I forged my own path in life.

Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Send me an email at editor@samarpita.in  for editing, content, coaching, or social media planning.

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Demystifying Manuscript Editing: A Comprehensive Journey

February 1 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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Writing a manuscript is a labor of love, a journey that often feels like a solitary endeavor. Yet, the magic truly happens when the manuscript undergoes the skilled hands of an editor. Manuscript editing is a multi-faceted process, encompassing various stages that collectively shape a raw manuscript into a polished work of art. In this blog post, we’ll take a detailed journey through the different stages of manuscript editing, providing authors with valuable insights into each step of this transformative process.

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**1. Initial Assessment:

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, editors embark on an initial assessment of the manuscript. This involves evaluating the overall structure, plot coherence, character development, and identifying any major issues that might need attention. It’s like taking a panoramic view of the literary landscape to understand the terrain before delving into the specifics.

**2. Structural Editing:

The first concrete step involves structural editing, where the editor examines the manuscript’s big picture. This encompasses assessing the plot’s pacing, character arcs, and overall narrative flow. Editors look for consistency and coherence, ensuring that the story unfolds seamlessly. Suggestions for restructuring or reordering chapters might be proposed to enhance the overall reading experience.

Also Read: X-Factor Editing Techniques: Going Above and Beyond

**3. Line Editing:

Once the structural foundation is solidified, it’s time for line editing. This stage involves a more meticulous examination of the prose. Editors focus on the nuances of language, checking for clarity, coherence, and style. Sentence structures are refined, and unnecessary repetitions or redundancies are addressed. Line editing is where the manuscript starts to shine on a micro level, with attention to detail making a significant impact.

**4. Copy Editing:

Copy editing is the stage where grammar and syntax take the spotlight. Editors scrutinize each sentence, correcting grammatical errors, typos, and ensuring consistency in language usage. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are fine-tuned to bring the manuscript to a high standard of precision. It’s the stage where the manuscript begins to feel polished and ready for a discerning reader’s eyes.

Also Read: In-Depth Editing: Strategies for Comprehensive Reviews

**5. Proofreading:

The final sweep, proofreading, is akin to giving the manuscript a meticulous once-over. Editors meticulously scan for any remaining errors – be they typos, formatting issues, or lingering grammatical slip-ups. This stage is crucial to ensure that the manuscript is flawless and ready for publication. It’s the last chance to catch those elusive mistakes that may have escaped notice earlier in the process.

Navigating Collaboration:

Throughout these stages, collaboration between the author and the editor is pivotal. A successful partnership involves open communication and a shared vision for the manuscript. Authors should view the editing process not as a critique but as a collaborative effort to elevate the manuscript to its highest potential.

Also Read: Breaking Down the Basics of Copyediting

Embracing Feedback:

Receiving feedback, especially during the initial stages, might be daunting for authors. However, it’s essential to embrace constructive criticism as a means of growth. Editors are allies in refining the narrative, offering valuable perspectives that can ultimately enhance the manuscript.

Also Read: A Beginner’s Guide to Editing


In the intricate dance between an author and an editor, the manuscript undergoes a transformative journey. From the panoramic assessment to the meticulous line edits and the final polish of proofreading, each stage plays a vital role in sculpting a manuscript into its best version. Authors, consider the editing process not as a hurdle but as a staircase that leads your work to new heights. Embrace the collaborative spirit, value the insights shared, and witness your manuscript evolve into a literary masterpiece. The journey may be challenging, but the destination is a manuscript that resonates with readers and stands the test of time.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

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#ShortStory – A Breathe Of Fresh Air

January 29 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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Lace curtains danced in the sultry summer morning breeze, an illusion of comfort. An orchestra of cicadas were already announcing the volcanic heat the day would bring, as beads of sweat rolled down my spine.

The sun climbed higher, casting a harsh glow on the small town. I sat at the worn-out kitchen table, nursing a lukewarm coffee, contemplating the monotony of the day ahead. The doorbell interrupted my thoughts, and I opened the creaky door to find my neighbor, Mrs. Thompson.

“Morning, dear. Hope I’m not disturbing you,” she greeted, her warm smile a stark contrast to the unforgiving sunlight.

“Not at all, Mrs. Thompson. What brings you by?” I replied, grateful for the interruption.

She fanned herself with a folded newspaper. “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to join us for the church picnic this weekend. It’s a good way to beat this relentless heat.”

The invitation stirred a flicker of excitement in me. “That sounds lovely, Mrs. Thompson. I could use a break from the routine.”

As she left, I found myself yearning for a change of scenery. The daily grind felt like an unending loop, and the prospect of a church picnic offered a glimmer of respite. The lace curtains fluttered in agreement, as if urging me to embrace the chance for a breath of fresh air.

The week trudged on, marked by the unrelenting heat that seemed to intensify with each passing day. On the eve of the picnic, I found myself caught in the rhythm of preparations. I reached out to Mrs. Thompson, “Is there anything I can contribute to the picnic, like a dish or something?”

Her response was swift, “Oh, dear, that would be lovely. How about you bring a fresh fruit salad? It’s always a hit.”

The morning of the picnic arrived, and I stepped into the vibrant chaos of the church grounds. Laughter echoed as families gathered, seeking refuge under the shade of ancient oak trees. The aroma of homemade dishes mingled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

Mrs. Thompson welcomed me with open arms, introducing me to the congregation. “Everyone, this is our new friend from down the street. She’s brought a delicious fruit salad!”

Amidst the chatter and laughter, I found myself engaged in conversations that transcended the mundane. The simple act of sharing a meal under the dappled sunlight fostered a sense of community. As the day unfolded, I discovered stories of triumph, heartbreak, and the shared human experience that connected us all.

As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the gathering, I approached Mrs. Thompson. “Thank you for inviting me. Today was exactly what I needed.”

She patted my hand affectionately. “Sometimes, a break from the routine opens up new doors, dear. Life’s a series of picnics; we just need to know when to join in.”

Her words lingered in my mind as I walked back home, the lace curtains now bathed in the warm evening glow. The sultry breeze carried a newfound sense of fulfillment, a reminder that life’s beauty often lies in the simple moments shared with others.

The cicadas orchestrated their final serenade, and I entered my home with a lighter heart. The routine still awaited, but the church picnic had woven a thread of connection through the fabric of my everyday existence. As the lace curtains swayed in the cooling breeze, I realized that sometimes, a small deviation from the norm could lead to a symphony of unexpected joy.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Send me an email at editor@samarpita.in  for editing, content, coaching, or social media planning.

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#ShortStory – Mia Finds Her Path

January 29 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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In the heart of the bustling city, Mia found herself caught in the chaotic whirlwind of life. Juggling a demanding job, familial responsibilities, and her own aspirations, she felt overwhelmed, as if life had handed her one too many plates to spin.

Each day blurred into the next, leaving Mia exhausted and questioning the path she was on. One evening, as the city lights glittered outside her window, she sat on her couch, deep in thought. The weight of her responsibilities bore down on her shoulders.

Her phone buzzed with a message from her best friend, Sarah. “Long time no see! Let’s catch up this weekend,” it read. Mia sighed, realizing that even friendships had taken a backseat in her chaotic schedule.

Over coffee that weekend, Mia confided in Sarah about the struggles she faced. “I feel like I’m drowning in commitments. The job, family, social expectations… it’s like I’m on autopilot, but I don’t even know where I’m heading,” she admitted, frustration lacing her words.

Sarah listened, her gaze empathetic. “Mia, it’s okay to reassess things. You’re not a superhero. Maybe it’s time to pause, reflect, and figure out what truly matters to you.”

Mia’s mind swirled with these words as she navigated her daily routine. The realization that she was merely going through the motions without a clear sense of purpose gnawed at her. The desire for something more meaningful lingered like an unanswered question.

One evening, on her way home from work, Mia passed by an art gallery. A sudden impulse led her inside. As she roamed through the exhibits, a spark ignited within her. The vibrant strokes on the canvases seemed to mirror the vibrancy that was missing from her own life.

Intrigued, she struck up a conversation with the artist, Alex. As they talked, Mia learned about Alex’s journey of self-discovery and how art became the compass guiding him through the tumult of life. Alex’s words resonated with Mia, prompting her to reflect on her own passions buried beneath the layers of routine.

That night, Mia sat down with her thoughts. “What do I want? What brings me joy?” The questions echoed in her mind. It was a journey inward, a quest to unearth her true desires amid the cacophony of external expectations.

Days turned into weeks, and Mia gradually incorporated small changes into her life. She dedicated time to activities that fueled her soul, rediscovering forgotten hobbies and exploring new avenues. The initial resistance gave way to a sense of liberation, a feeling that she was reclaiming her life.

One evening, Mia shared her revelations with Sarah over dinner. “I’m still figuring it all out, but I’ve taken the first steps towards what feels authentic. It’s scary, but there’s a newfound excitement in the uncertainty.”

Sarah smiled, “Mia, life isn’t about juggling everything; it’s about finding the balance that brings you joy. Your journey is uniquely yours, and each step forward is a victory.”

Embracing change, Mia began to redefine her priorities. The demanding job became a means to fund her passions rather than the sole focus of her existence. Family and friends, once relegated to the sidelines, now occupied a central place in her life. Mia felt the tendrils of stress loosen their grip as she gained clarity about what truly mattered to her.

The city, once a chaotic maze, now appeared as a canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of Mia’s authentic self. In her struggle to juggle too much, she found the strength to discard what no longer served her and embrace a life where her choices reflected her true desires. The journey was ongoing, but Mia walked it with newfound purpose, no longer merely juggling plates but orchestrating a symphony of her own making.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Send me an email at editor@samarpita.in  for editing, content, coaching, or social media planning.

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#ShortStory – Bonds in a Bar

January 28 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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In a dimly lit corner of the cozy neighborhood bar, Jake nursed his drink, silently observing the lively atmosphere. The hum of conversations and the clinking of glasses filled the air. Across the room, a stranger caught his eye – Emily, sitting alone, sipping her cocktail.

Their eyes met, and a casual smile passed between them. Jake decided to break the ice, casually strolling over. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Emily looked up, a genuine smile lighting up her face. “Not at all. I could use some company,” she replied, gesturing to the empty chair.

As they exchanged pleasantries, there was an instant connection, a shared laughter that transcended the typical bar banter. Emily spoke about her love for hiking, and Jake shared his passion for photography. The conversation flowed effortlessly, transitioning from one topic to another.

“Have you ever been to the mountains?” Jake asked, curiosity twinkling in his eyes.

“Actually, I’m planning a trip next month,” Emily replied. “Would love some photography tips if you’re up for it.”

Jake’s eyes lit up. “Absolutely! It’s a deal.”

The evening unfolded with light-hearted banter, the air filled with the warmth of newfound friendship. They explored common interests, discovering shared love for 90s music, cheesy movies, and a penchant for spontaneous adventures.

Another round of drinks arrived, and Emily playfully teased, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we’ve known each other forever.”

Jake chuckled, “Maybe we were friends in another life.”

The platonic connection deepened as they delved into personal stories, dreams, and even swapped embarrassing childhood anecdotes. The bar became a sanctuary where two strangers found solace in shared experiences and genuine laughter.

As the night progressed, Emily remarked, “You know, this has been unexpectedly great. I came in here thinking it’d be a quiet night.”

Jake nodded, “Same here. Sometimes the best moments are the unplanned ones.”

Their camaraderie continued to blossom, transcending the initial awkwardness of two strangers meeting in a crowded bar. The night wore on, and they found themselves reluctant to part ways.

“I hate to end this fantastic night, but I have an early meeting tomorrow,” Emily confessed with a regretful smile.

Jake agreed, “Yeah, responsibilities beckon. But let’s not make this a one-time thing. How about that photography session next month?”

Emily’s eyes sparkled. “You’re on!”

And with that, they exchanged contact information, promising to turn this chance encounter into a lasting connection. As they parted ways, the bar echoed with the sounds of shared laughter and the promise of future adventures between two souls who found something special in the most unexpected of places.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Send me an email at editor@samarpita.in  for editing, content, coaching, or social media planning.


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8 ways blogging for business can benefit your business

January 28 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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In the ever-evolving world of business, finding ways to connect with your audience is key to staying ahead. Blogging has emerged as a powerful tool that can bring a multitude of benefits, helping your business thrive online and fostering growth. Let’s explore eight ways blogging can make a real difference in your business strategy.

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Business Success

1. Getting Noticed by Search Engines

In the vast online landscape, getting your business noticed is a challenge. Blogging can help by naturally integrating relevant keywords into your content, letting search engines know your business is worth checking out. Regular, well-optimized blog posts can boost your website’s ranking, making it easier for potential customers to find you when they’re actively searching for products or services like yours.

2. Building Trust and Credibility

Blogging gives your business a chance to showcase its expertise. By consistently sharing valuable and informative content, you’re telling your audience that you know your stuff. Over time, this builds trust and credibility, making your business a trusted source of information in your industry. People are more likely to engage with and choose a business they see as knowledgeable and reliable.

Also Read: 10 Ways To Repurpose Your Content

3. Creating a Community and Encouraging Interaction

Blogging is not just about talking at your audience; it’s about talking with them. Encouraging comments, shares, and discussions turns your business into a community. This engagement is priceless for building relationships, understanding your audience’s needs, and tailoring your products or services accordingly. A vibrant community can turn into brand advocates, spreading the word through conversations and social sharing.

4. Showing the Human Side of Your Brand

In the corporate world, standing out with a distinct brand personality is crucial. Blogging lets you showcase the human side of your business. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses, employee stories, or anecdotes that reflect your brand’s values. Adding this personal touch creates a connection with your audience, building loyalty. A relatable brand personality resonates with consumers, making your business more memorable in a sea of options.


Also Read: Captivate With The Art of Storytelling in Content

5. Attracting Leads and Encouraging Conversions

Blogging is a powerful tool for lead generation. By creating content that addresses your audience’s challenges and offers solutions, you attract potential customers. Adding calls-to-action (CTAs) within your blog posts guides visitors toward taking specific actions, like subscribing to newsletters, downloading resources, or making purchases. A well-crafted blog strategy can significantly contribute to your conversion funnel.

6. Keeping Your Audience Informed and Engaged

The business world is always changing, and your customers want to stay informed about industry trends, updates, and your latest offerings. Regular blog posts keep your audience in the loop, positioning your business as a reliable source for relevant information. This not only nurtures existing relationships but also attracts new audiences seeking insights in your domain.

Also Read: Content Marketing on a Budget: Maximizing 
Impact with Limited Resources

7. A Budget-Friendly Marketing Approach

Traditional marketing channels can be costly. Blogging, on the other hand, is a cost-effective marketing strategy with a high return on investment. With a well-optimized website and a consistent blogging schedule, you can reach a global audience without breaking the bank. The longevity of blog posts ensures that your content continues working for your business over an extended period.

8. Adapting to Changing Consumer Behavior Together

Consumer behavior is evolving, and businesses need to adapt to stay relevant. Blogging allows you to align your content strategy with shifting consumer preferences. Whether it’s the rise of video content, interactive elements, or other emerging trends, a blog can serve as a flexible platform to experiment and incorporate new approaches to engage your audience effectively.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why Well-Written Content Is Vital for 
Your Business Success

Your Business Journey, Made Personal

In this digital age, blogging has evolved from personal online journals to become a dynamic force in the business realm. The benefits of incorporating blogging into your business strategy are manifold – from enhancing visibility and credibility to fostering engagement and community building. As you embark on your blogging journey, remember that consistency, relevance, and authenticity are the cornerstones of a successful business blog. By leveraging the power of blogging, you not only navigate the digital landscape effectively but also position your business for sustained growth and success while making meaningful connections with your audience.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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Content Marketing And What Does It Do For Your Business?

January 27 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

In content marketing, the focus is on creating and distributing content that is educational, informative, and/or entertaining, rather than promoting a specific product or service. The goal is to establish trust and credibility with the audience, and to position the business as a trusted source of information.

Also Read: How to Use Feedback from Editors to Improve Your Writing

Content For SMBs

For small and medium businesses, content marketing can be a highly effective way to establish a brand identity, connect with customers, and generate leads. By creating content that is valuable and informative to their target audience, businesses can build credibility and trust with potential customers, establish themselves as thought leaders in their field, and ultimately drive sales and revenue.

Small and medium businesses can create content in a variety of formats, including blog posts, videos, social media posts, e-books, infographics, and more. By leveraging these content formats and distributing them through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, businesses can reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers in meaningful ways.

Content marketing can take many forms, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media posts, e-books, whitepapers, webinars, and more. The content should be tailored to the interests and needs of the target audience and should be distributed through channels that the audience frequents.

Content marketing is often used to build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive conversions. By providing value through their content, businesses can attract and retain a loyal audience, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and revenue.

Also Read: Ten Crucial Editing Skills Every Writer Needs

A content creator can help a small or medium business with written content in a number of ways:

  1. Develop a content strategy: A content creator can work with the business to develop a content strategy that aligns with their goals and objectives. This may involve identifying target audiences, determining the types of content to create, and establishing a publishing schedule.
  2. Create high-quality content: A content creator can write high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and well-researched. This can include blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and other types of written content.
  3. Optimize content for SEO: A content creator can ensure that the content is optimized for search engines, including using relevant keywords, writing meta descriptions, and including internal and external links.
  4. Edit and proofread content: A content creator can edit and proofread the content to ensure that it is error-free, easy to read, and grammatically correct.
  5. Promote content: A content creator can help the business promote the content through social media, email marketing, and other channels to reach a wider audience.
  6. Increase brand awareness: By creating and sharing valuable content, businesses can reach out to new audiences and increase their brand awareness.

    Also Read: Punctuation Magic: Making Your Writing Clear and Stylish

  7. Generate leads: Content marketing can be used to attract potential customers and generate leads through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization.
  8. Build credibility and trust: By providing valuable and informative content, businesses can establish themselves as experts in their field, building credibility and trust with their audience.
  9. Boost website traffic: Creating high-quality content can help improve a website’s search engine rankings, leading to increased traffic and more opportunities to engage with potential customers.
  10. Improve customer engagement: Engaging and informative content can help keep customers interested and engaged with a business, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

By working with a content creator, a small or medium business can ensure that their written content is high-quality, optimized for search engines, and reaches a wider audience. This can help the business establish itself as a thought leader in their industry and attract new customers.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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15 Critical Self-Publishing Mistakes You Must Avoid

January 22 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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Self-publishing has empowered countless authors to share their stories with the world, but it comes with its own set of challenges. In this blog post, we will explore 15 critical self-publishing mistakes that authors must steer clear of to ensure a successful journey into the world of independent publishing.

  1. Neglecting Professional Editing: One of the most common pitfalls is overlooking the importance of professional editing. Authors often skip this crucial step, leading to overlooked errors and a subpar final product. Invest in a skilled editor to polish your manuscript.
    Also Read: 5 Things To Do After Self-Publishing Via KDP
  2. Ignoring Cover Design: Don’t judge a book by its cover may be a cliché, but it holds true in the publishing world. A poorly designed cover can deter potential readers. Invest in professional cover design to make a lasting first impression.
  3. Inadequate Market Research: Failing to conduct thorough market research is a recipe for disappointment. Understand your target audience, analyze competing titles, and identify trends to position your book effectively in the market.
    Also Read: Zen & the Art of Writing: Finding Inspiration & Inner Peace through Writing
  4. Rushing the Publishing Process: Impatience can be a self-publisher’s downfall. Rushing through the publishing process may result in overlooked errors, formatting issues, and an overall unpolished product. Take the time needed to ensure quality.
  5. Underestimating the Importance of Formatting: Readability matters. Improper formatting can turn readers away. Pay attention to font styles, spacing, and overall layout to enhance the reader’s experience.
  6. Neglecting Proofreading: Even after professional editing, proofreading is crucial. Typos and grammatical errors can slip through the cracks. Conduct a meticulous proofreading before finalizing your manuscript.
    Also Read: Your Writing Process: Identifying Your Strengths & Weaknesses as a Writer
  7. Setting Unrealistic Pricing: While it’s tempting to set a low price to attract readers, undervaluing your work can harm your credibility. Research comparable titles and set a reasonable price that reflects the quality of your book.
  8. Overlooking Metadata Optimization: Metadata plays a significant role in discoverability. Optimize your book’s metadata, including title, description, and keywords, to improve its visibility on online platforms.
  9. Neglecting Author Platform Building: Building an author platform takes time, but it’s essential for long-term success. Don’t wait until your book is published to start; engage with your audience through social media, a website, or a blog.
  10. Disregarding Copyright and Permissions: Using copyrighted material without permission can lead to legal issues. Ensure you have the right to use any content in your book and obtain necessary permissions to avoid complications.
    Also Read: X-Factor Editing Techniques: Going Above and Beyond
  11. Overlooking Marketing Strategies: A well-written book alone won’t guarantee success. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan, including online promotion, book signings, and outreach to book reviewers, to increase visibility.
  12. Neglecting Print Quality: If you choose to offer a print version of your book, ensure the print quality meets industry standards. Poorly printed books can result in negative reviews and damage your author reputation.
  13. Ignoring Reader Feedback: Feedback from readers is invaluable. Pay attention to reviews, engage with your audience, and use constructive criticism to improve your writing and future publications.
    Also Read: Querying Agents: Best Practices for Writing Effective Query Letters
  14. Failing to Build an Email List: Email marketing remains a powerful tool for authors. Build an email list to connect directly with your readers, share updates, and promote new releases.
  15. Not Planning for the Long Term: Successful self-publishing is a marathon, not a sprint. Plan for the long term by consistently producing quality content, staying engaged with your audience, and adapting to changes in the publishing industry.
    Also Read: Proofreading 101: Catching Errors Before Publication

In conclusion, avoiding these critical self-publishing mistakes requires a combination of careful planning, attention to detail, and a commitment to continuous improvement. By steering clear of these pitfalls, authors can increase their chances of not only publishing a successful book but also building a sustainable and rewarding writing career.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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How to Use Feedback from Editors to Improve Your Writing

January 22 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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Receiving feedback from editors is a crucial step in the writing process. It’s an opportunity to refine your work, enhance your skills, and ultimately create a more polished piece. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of utilizing feedback effectively, exploring key strategies to harness constructive criticism for the betterment of your writing.

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Approach Feedback with an Open Mind

When you receive feedback from an editor, approach it with an open and receptive mindset. Keep in mind that the goal is to improve your work, not to criticize your abilities. Be willing to consider different perspectives and viewpoints.

Identify Patterns and Trends:

As you review the feedback, look for patterns and trends. Are there recurring comments or suggestions? Identifying these common themes can help you pinpoint specific areas of your writing that may need attention and improvement.

Prioritize and Focus on Key Issues:

Not all feedback is created equal. Prioritize the feedback based on its significance to the overall quality of your writing. Focus on addressing the key issues that will have the most substantial impact on improving your piece.

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Understand the “Why” Behind the Feedback:

Dig deeper into the feedback to understand the underlying reasons behind the suggestions. Editors may not explicitly state the reasoning behind their comments, so take the initiative to uncover the “why.” Understanding the rationale will empower you to apply the feedback more effectively.

Revise and Experiment:

Once you’ve identified the areas for improvement, start revising your work. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches. Use the feedback as a springboard for creativity, exploring new ways to convey your message and refine your writing style.

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Seek Clarification When Needed:

If certain feedback seems unclear or ambiguous, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from your editor. A clear understanding of the feedback ensures that your revisions align with the intended improvements, creating a more collaborative and productive editing process.

Preserve Your Unique Voice:

While implementing feedback, be mindful of preserving your unique voice as a writer. Striking a balance between incorporating suggestions and maintaining your individual style ensures that the final piece remains authentically yours.

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Take Breaks During the Revision Process:

The revision process can be intense. Take breaks to step away from your work and return with fresh eyes. This will help you assess the effectiveness of your revisions objectively and make additional improvements as needed.

Use Feedback as a Learning Opportunity:

View feedback as a valuable learning opportunity. Each piece of feedback provides insights into your strengths and areas for growth. Embrace the learning process, and consider feedback not only as a means to improve a specific piece but also as a tool for developing your overall writing skills.

Share Revised Versions for Further Input:

After implementing revisions, consider sharing your revised work with the editor for additional input. This collaborative approach allows for a continued dialogue and ensures that the changes align with the editor’s expectations.

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Reflect on the Editing Process:

Take time to reflect on the entire editing process. Consider how the feedback has influenced your writing and what lessons you can carry forward to future projects. Reflection enhances your self-awareness as a writer and contributes to ongoing growth.

In conclusion, feedback from editors is a valuable asset in the journey of refining your writing skills. By approaching feedback with an open mind, prioritizing key issues, and using it as a learning opportunity, you can transform constructive criticism into a powerful tool for improvement. Embrace the editing process as a collaborative endeavor that propels your writing to new heights.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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Best Practices For Self-Publishing

January 13 , 2024 Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma
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First of all, do you know what self-publishing is? Is it the same as vanity publishing or is it something different? Self-publishing is the process of publishing a book, magazine, or any other written material without the involvement of a traditional publishing house. The author takes full responsibility for the entire process, including editing, design, marketing, and distribution. Self-publishing is becoming increasingly popular with the rise of digital technology and the availability of online platforms that make it easier for authors to reach a wider audience.

Self-publishing has revolutionized the literary landscape, providing authors with unprecedented control over their work. However, navigating the self-publishing journey requires a strategic approach to ensure success. In this blog post, we’ll explore best practices for self-publishing, covering essential aspects from identifying the ideal candidates to the importance of book cover design and the necessity of a reliable book distributor.

Who Is Self-Publishing Ideal For?

Self-publishing appeals to a diverse range of authors, making it an ideal choice for those who value autonomy and want a more direct connection with their readership. It is particularly suitable for:

  1. Entrepreneurial Authors: Writers with a keen entrepreneurial spirit often thrive in the self-publishing arena. The ability to control every aspect of the publishing process, from editing to marketing, aligns well with an entrepreneurial mindset.
  2. Niche Authors: If your work caters to a specific niche or target audience, self-publishing allows you to reach your readers directly without navigating the traditional publishing gatekeepers.
  3. Authors with Established Platforms: If you have an existing platform, such as a blog, social media presence, or a dedicated following, self-publishing leverages these connections, enabling you to capitalize on your established audience.

Get Your Manuscript Edited

It is highly important for self-published authors to get their manuscripts professionally edited. Editing is a crucial step in the publishing process that helps to ensure the quality and readability of a book. A professional editor can help identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as offer suggestions to improve the overall structure and flow of the story.

Additionally, a good editor can provide valuable insights and feedback on the content of the book, helping the author to refine their work and make it more compelling to readers. In self-publishing, the author takes on all responsibilities, including the quality of the final product. Therefore, investing in professional editing is a wise choice for self-published authors who want their work to be taken seriously and reach a wide audience.

Rely On Feedbacks From Critique Circles/Editors

Critique circles and editors can provide a fresh perspective on the author’s work and help identify areas for improvement. Feedback can help the author refine their writing and ensure that the book is well-received by readers.

Moreover, relying on feedback can also help authors identify any plot holes, character inconsistencies, or other issues that can detract from the overall quality of the book. By receiving feedback from multiple sources, authors can gain a more comprehensive understanding of their work and make informed decisions about how to improve it.

Overall, incorporating feedback from critique circles and editors is essential for self-published authors who want to produce high-quality work that is well-received by readers. It can help improve the writing, strengthen the story, and increase the chances of success for the book.

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Market Your Book From The Beginning

Marketing is an important aspect of the publishing process and can help generate buzz and interest in the book before its release. This can help to build a readership and increase the visibility of the book, making it more likely to be successful once it is published.

There are various marketing strategies that self-published authors can use, including social media, email marketing, book signings, and book fairs. It is also important for authors to establish an online presence, through a website or blog, where they can connect with readers and share updates about their work.

Additionally, self-published authors may also want to consider hiring a publicist or marketing consultant to help them promote their book. These professionals have experience and expertise in the industry and can offer valuable advice and support in the marketing process.

In conclusion, marketing is an essential step for self-published authors and can help to increase the visibility and success of their book.

Don’t Neglect Book Cover Design

Your book cover is the first impression readers have of your work. A visually appealing and professionally designed cover is crucial for attracting potential readers. Consider the following:

  • Professional Design Services: Invest in a professional book cover designer who understands the genre and can create a cover that conveys the essence of your book.
  • Consistency with Genre: Ensure your cover aligns with the expectations of your genre. A mismatch between the cover and the content can confuse readers.
  • Eye-Catching Elements: Use compelling visuals, legible fonts, and captivating colors to make your book stand out among competitors.

A Good Book Distributor Is A Must

While self-publishing provides independence, effective distribution is critical to reaching a broader audience. Partnering with a reputable book distributor ensures that your book is accessible to readers worldwide. Here’s what to consider:

  • Wide Distribution Networks: Choose a distributor with an extensive network to ensure your book reaches major retailers, both online and offline.
  • Print and Digital Options: Opt for distributors that offer both print and digital distribution. This flexibility maximizes your book’s availability.
  • Transparent Terms: Review the terms and conditions of distribution carefully. Ensure transparency in pricing, royalties, and any associated fees.


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Don’t Neglect Proofreading And Typesetting

While the writing is the heart of your book, proofreading and typesetting are the arteries that ensure a smooth and polished reading experience. Overlooking these aspects can diminish the overall quality of your work. Key considerations include:

  • Professional Editing: Enlist the services of a professional editor to catch grammatical errors, improve clarity, and refine the flow of your narrative.
  • Typesetting Matters: Proper typesetting enhances readability. Consistent font choices, appropriate spacing, and well-designed layouts contribute to a positive reading experience.
  • Multiple Proofreads: Don’t rely solely on one proofreading round. Multiple proofreading sessions, ideally by different individuals, help catch elusive errors and ensure a polished final product.

Keep Building Your Author Brand

Your author brand is an invaluable asset in the competitive world of self-publishing. A strong brand distinguishes you from other authors and fosters reader loyalty. Consider the following tips:

  • Consistent Online Presence: Maintain a consistent and professional presence on social media, author websites, and other online platforms. Consistency builds recognition.
  • Author Logo: Consider creating a logo or visual element associated with your author brand. This visual cue reinforces your brand identity.
  • Engage with Readers: Actively engage with your readership through social media, email newsletters, or author events. Building personal connections fosters a dedicated fan base.

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Remain Realistic

Self-publishing is a journey filled with possibilities, but it’s essential to remain realistic about your expectations. Understand that success may not happen overnight, and building a sustainable author career takes time. Consider the following:

  • Realistic Sales Goals: Set achievable sales goals based on your genre, target audience, and marketing efforts. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay informed about industry trends, marketing strategies, and evolving reader preferences. Continuous learning enhances your adaptability in the dynamic publishing landscape.
  • Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Challenges are inevitable. Maintain resilience and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow as an author.

In conclusion, self-publishing empowers authors to bring their stories to the world on their terms. By identifying the ideal candidates, prioritizing book cover design, emphasizing proofreading and typesetting, building a strong author brand, partnering with a reliable book distributor, and maintaining realistic expectations, authors can navigate the self-publishing journey with confidence and increase their chances of success in the competitive literary market.



If you are looking for an excellent manuscript editor, someone to create content for your business, or an expert to help build your personal or professional brand on social media, then look no further and connect with me at editor@samarpita.in I can be followed on instagram at @samarpita and on twitter at @samarpitadotin.


Read my ebook WRITE. EDIT. PROMOTE. to learn the basics about becoming an author – from writing your own book, to editing your first draft, and to promoting your book yourself! You can also read my ebook How To Write A Story Effectively and learn some valuable lessons about how a story can go from average to extraordinary. This book is part 1 of the series.

In fiction, I have two short stories for children in an ebook called Bedtime Stories.



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